Beard of Evil: Baron Hellstrom's very beard is infused with the starry void, signifying his connection to the Shadow.There's also the shadow banishing ring which, when equipped, allows players to skip all random combat encounters with shadow creatures who are one of the more annoying enemy types to deal with thanks to their high resistance to physical damage and general commonality.Bad at puzzles or underleveled in a few key areas? You can just brute force your way through the issue via combat. Not a fan of turn based combat? Most encounters can be resolved peacefully if you have sufficient stats or puzzle solving skills. Anti-Frustration Features: Interestingly enough, Shadows Over Loathing has a double layered version of this by giving players multiple ways of dealing with various obstacles.You can meet your alternate-universe self, who's trying to rescue their aunt in Crystaldream Lake.Throughout the game, you encounter puzzles in the form of rifts in reality that lead.At one point, Molly can get a Jail Bake cake called the Alcatraz Special, but Alcatraz didn't become a federal prison until 1934.Hawaii was officially granted statehood in August of 1959. Artistic License – History: Despite ostensibly taking place during The Roaring '20s, mention is made of Hawaii being a state.The Shining Trapezoidohedron straight out of The Haunter of the Dark makes an appearance, although here it's stuck in the chest of a Dimensional Shambler and lets you see Eldritch Portals, rather than attracts the attention of a certain eldritch abomination.The game revolves around locating and de-evil-ing several cursed objects.And Your Reward Is Clothes: In a main quest, the resistance leader placed all their money in bonds, so he gives you his shades instead.This game is best described as West of Loathing meets H. See how many enemies you can stuff into a phone booth as the athletic Pig Skinner (the Muscle class), control the curds and whey of the cosmos as the cunning Cheese Wizard (the Mysticality class), or march to the beat of your own inscrutable purposes as the hip Jazz Agent (the Moxie class). Explore a sprawling open world chock full of danger, quests, puzzles, and stick figures. The investigation into his disappearance and the artifacts he's been collecting takes a turn when your character stumbles across some shadowy plots (and a bunch of squirming eldritch tentacles) that threaten to bring about the end of the world. Your character's Uncle Murray has requested their aid at his antique shop in Ocean City, but upon arrival the old man is nowhere to be found.

Shadows Over Loathing is a single-player comedy adventure/RPG set in the prohibition era of the Kingdom of Loathing universe, and is a follow-up to West of Loathing. An Adventurer Is You!… wait, wrong game again.