Drop down and wall jump back and forth to make your way slowly down. Facing the opposite doorway walk foreword and to the right, you'll see a ledge. Upgrade Pedestal 3: When you reach the central hall after obtaining the serpent sword turn the turnstile lever so that it faces the doorway with the save point fountain. Go through avoiding traps to get the second life upgrade. Hit the switch, slow down time and make your way to the grate, roll under it. At the bottom of the stores to the left there are some barrels and a switch. Make your way up the area to the stairway. Upgrade Pedestal 2 (Past): The second upgrade pedestal is in the area where you first fight the Crow Master. Follow it throw avoiding the traps to obtain the first life upgrade. Pull it back to open a secret doorway behind it. Walk up the stairs and you will see a tall altar. Upgrade Pedestal 1: The first upgrade pedestal is right after you beat Shahdee. Prince of Persia Warrior Within Hint: Life Upgrade Pedestals